Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Marching Into April

April 2018

SIT continued to have fun in Vero Beach after visiting the McKee Gardens.

We managed to play some golf and between swinging the clubs, Steve built a display case for the ship we bought last summer. He is quite the talented guy and he made little boxes for me to paint like crates. With the lighting effect and sand it looks pretty cool.

 Not worried about the golfers
 The Duck Family hanging out near the green

 Too Bad We Weren't Their to Swim
The Ship and the Display

We took a short trip to the west coast of Florida to visit Uncle Al and Pat. While we were there, Izzy got to have her runs using their pretty cool golf cart. Steve was pretty impressed with it as it traveled at a fairly good pace!

We did receive some bad news while we there from Steve’s Dad that his wife had passed away. Karen had been battling Dementia for quite some time. We finished our visit and headed back to Vero so Steve could catch a flight home in a couple of days.

The IT of SIT stayed in Vero and did things around the house as well as got to keep Izzy’s buddy Manny for a couple of days. They were good for each other but pretty sure Izzy wanted to hang out on my lap too. I think she came out of that okay as she got her treats!

Thanks for the treats Mom


On one of my morning walks Izzy and I stopped in the open grass area along the river in our park. As I was admiring a catamaran anchored not too far from our place there was a loud explosion and fire. I was shocked and called 911. Luckily no one was on board, but the boat was pretty much a total loss.
Quite A Shock to Witness
I spent a wonderful evening with great friends including a nice dinner by the ocean. Of course we wanted a picture and the wind wouldn’t cooperate with us so we have that great wind-blown look about us!
Linda and Barb 

I also decided to get my oil paints out and paint a picture. Since we were heading back to Idaho soon, it gave me motivation to be sure and have it done in enough time so it would be completely dry. The picture I chose is from an old Model A flatbed truck that was out in the middle of the desert in Arizona. I decided to give it to our friend (and neighbor) Tom as a gift for his birthday. We figured we could make a frame for it once we got back home.
The Finished Product

When Steve got back from Idaho we decided to go ahead and put our beach bungalow up for sale. At that same time Uncle Al called and decided to give us the golf cart. So we bought a trailer to haul the golf cart from my Uncle’s to Vero and then to Meridian. Since we are selling our place we bought a large enough trailer to bring our personal things we wanted to keep with us.

I think you could say we were almost the Beverly Hillbillies and would have been if I had ridden in the golf cart! We did have a fast trip back to Meridian in terms of pretty much just driving, eating, and sleeping. No site-seeing for SIT this go around.
 On The Road
Ready to ride

Once we got home life got busy so you’ll just have to stay tuned and read the next installment of the Life and Times of SIT!

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