Sunday, April 12, 2015

Two Years and Twenty-Seven Days

The Life and Times of Sit started on March 6th, 2013 when we left our home at 12:00 PM. I hadn’t started the travel blog, nor had I come up with the title, but I did start keeping track of our travel statistics.

When we left home we had 25,978 miles on “Big Red” and had owned our fifth-wheel trailer for just about 13 months. We were pretty good in condensing our clothes and items we wanted to have with us as we left our 2300 square foot home for our new home on wheels. We also made sure we had all of Izzy’s toys and bed.


As we began our journey we did head to southern California which was the furthest southwestern point. I decided to do this final post from the four corners of our adventure rather than trying to capture all that we saw, did, and enjoyed in one posting.

Joshua Tree National Park was a first for Izzy and me. Steve had been there when he was young but didn’t quite remember all of it.


The most northwestern point on our journey was Port Hardy British Columbia which is on Vancouver Island. We enjoyed the beauty, people, climate, fishing, and golfing while we were there as well as our time in the other parts of BC.


The most northeastern point happened to be in Canada as well and was Cape Breton Nova Scotia. The coastline there is quite different than the coast line in BC. The beauty was spectacular although the fishing wasn’t quite as plentiful. We certainly can’t complain about the crab feed we had as we ate them fresh off the boat. Well we ate them on a boat too!


The furthest southeastern point on our trip was Key West, although we only visited it a couple of days. Our primary spot for the Florida Keys was Marathon Florida. There we enjoyed meeting some great people, playing golf, fishing, and having fun with Izzy! We also celebrated Christmas 2014 there with 75 degree weather. Pretty much sums up our entire trip well not really, but one of the goals was to avoid cold weather and really hot weather. Not a bad goal to have if you can.


Our life for two years and twenty-seven days allowed us to travel 49,110 miles, stay in 122 towns/cities (some twice), see 34 states, spend a week on a houseboat, and visit four Canadian Provinces. To put the distance in perspective we could have traveled around the world twice. Maybe we will do that next!


We truly enjoyed our time on the road and many people have asked us, what was your favorite place, which is a challenge for us to answer. Canada and the United States have so many wonderful places to see as well as a tremendous amount of history to learn. Our best advice is if you have the desire to travel around and see the country just go for it!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

One More Time

March 20 – March 30, 2015

As our adventure draws to an end we wanted to spend some time with our family that lives in southern California.

We arrived once again in Banning and stayed at the same RV Park that we did over two years ago. They had done some improvements and the place looked nice. Izzy was a bit disappointed as the old irrigation ditch she and Steve would hike in was overgrown so no exploring for her this time.

We were able to visit with Scott (Steve’s brother) a few days and took a drive to Pomona so we could spend a bit of time with Aunt Julie. It was great to see both of them and enjoy some good food and conversation.

Enjoying the setting
Aunt Julie and nephews

We spent time with my brother Rod and his wife Mary. It was great to see them especially since my brother is a sliver of himself the last time I saw him. He looks amazing and feels great too. Mary is looking well and enjoying her retirement!

We managed to get a round of golf in with my other brother Mike and one of my nephews. Kevin had been off visiting friends but came back just in time to play golf! Well, he came back in time to pack and travel north with us.

The Three Pros - well they think they are!
Since Mike was there we took advantage to get a few pictures of the Bailey kids. We had fun seeing who could jump the highest. I am sure you are all thinking it was me aren’t you! Steve and I also celebrated our eleventh wedding anniversary there too. I wonder why he didn’t want to see who could jump the highest between the two of us?!

Black Jack Izzy's New Friend
Get Ready Set
I think Mike won
The Bailey Kids
That's Mean
Steve enjoyed visiting with a few friends he spent many years with most of them getting into and out of trouble with!

All-in-all we had a great time in southern California and enjoyed the sun and warmth. We loaded up the trailer and got ready to hit the road for home on March 31st.  First stop was to pick up Kevin and say good-bye to Mary.
Kevin and Mary
Ready to Head Home
We took our time heading home and were happy to not have the same stormy weather hit us on the way home as we did when we left our house on March 6, 2013.

The next post will be the final one for this adventure, but don’t worry as we will have more! Happy trails from SIT!