Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Summer Fun

July-August 2017

SIT’s summer has continued to cruise on by but not without us having a bit of fun and of course watching the total solar eclipse.

We have continued to get out and play some golf once in a while but also go to a local car show where we saw quite a few pretty cool cars. Tom put his Model-A Truck in the show and won the “One of a Kind” trophy. We like to think Tom is one of a kind too! Izzy really thinks that as he always has a treat for her when she goes to visit him!

Tom's One Of A Kind
Model A

We had a friend (Cindy) come stay a few days with us the end of July and I was able to take her to one of my favorite places, The Birds of Prey Center. The birds cooperated when it came time to taking some pictures. If you ever come to Boise you should check this place out.

 Just Call Me Screech
 California Condor Guard
 Head Shot
Bateleur Eagle
 I'm Pretty
 Northern Aplomado Falcon
 Simply Regal

We have spent some more time in Cascade but the fishing hasn’t been on-fire yet but they September is the best. Steve will just have to check that out since September is fast approaching.
Morning Walk
Should I Swim Here?

We were in Cascade for the eclipse so I decided instead of making a filter for the camera to take pictures of that event I would take some pictures of the people watching the eclipse and the shadow effect it provided. It was fun to walk around and see what the trees and other objects looked like during the eclipse.

Steve and Izzy Waiting 
Steve's Looking
Ooh Ahh
 Clouds? Nope
 Pretty Cool

Looks Like Mushrooms
Guess What This Is?

Well that’s it for now for SIT, short and sweet, pretty much how summer seems to be as it continues to speed on by. Stay tuned more to come!