Thursday, March 23, 2017

Makeover Anybody?

February 2017

It is hard to believe it is already past the middle of March. I haven’t forgotten about writing and keeping everybody entertained from Florida, I just haven’t taken time to sit down and write something.

We have been busy the past six weeks with continuing our beach bungalow makeover. As I wrote last time I was tackling a few more projects. The most time consuming one was changing how some cabinets and a counter look that are in the dining area.

The process is time consuming but that’s okay as my joints don’t appreciate me just lounging around the pool all day. So I tackled the cleaning, shellacking, painting, painting, painting……well you get the picture. It takes several steps to complete the project. I am glad there weren’t any more than what I tackled though. I was ready to lounge around the pool by the time I was all done!

Before the Makeover

Cabinets Reborn

Steve decided to go ahead and class-up the wall and toe-kick a bit and now it ties nicely with the wall in the living room. We decided to darken the counter top as before it didn’t quite have that punch. So I took the steps and painted it as well. End result – adds to the beach bungalow!
The Finished Product
Looks Better

Steve and I managed to play golf, well we would like to think it is playing and not hacking. Regardless we usually get to see some wildlife and this time we came across this rather large alligator. We have decided to call him Humphrey since he has a pretty large humped back. These birds were also hanging out as we cruised by on some of the other holes.

 Humphrey from behind
Humphrey's Favorite Spot
A Little Different

Hanging Out

We also were able to enjoy having one of my brothers here for a week in mid-February. Mike and I headed to Largo to visit our Uncle Al. Mike had not seen Uncle Al for over 35 years so it was fun to catch up. Uncle Al is slowing down just a bit but I think that’s okay since he will be 97 in August.

Uncle Al and Mike

We had a nice time playing golf, doing a little boating, and going to Kennedy Space Center.  Golf was fun and we chose one we could walk and play. We didn’t see any large alligators on this course but told Mike about Humphrey so we drove by that course so he could see him. He managed to get a few pictures as well.
Kennedy Space Center
Ready to Launch

We headed to the boardwalk and beach one day and enjoyed the weather. There were just about as many birds hanging out as there were people. This guy wasn’t too worried about the foot traffic.

All in all time has flown by since I last updated everybody and I know the next few weeks will go by fast but as always stay tuned for more from SIT!