Sunday, January 10, 2016

Wow That Water Is Warm

December 16 – 31, 2016

SIT continues to enjoy our time on the treasure coast. We were able to get another fishing trip under our belts. Well we didn’t have belts on but we did have success with catching some red drum (also called red fish) that we could keep.

We had fun catching quite a bit of fish this time in the morning, but unfortunately we couldn’t keep all of them. That’s okay since we can try again when they are in season. Regardless what we caught was quite tasty!
 Nice Sheep Head, Yum
Nice Snook Steve, Too Bad You Can't Keep It
Big Fish Tory Strikes Again
 Hanging Out As The Fish Are Cleaned
Maybe They Don't See Me

We were fortunate enough to have my brother and sister-in-law, Rod and Mary, with us beginning on the 22nd. I picked them up from the airport and then the next day we all went to Largo to visit Uncle Al and Pat. We surprised my Uncle for the most part. He had not seen them for many years. Izzy had fun too as Pat loves having Izzy over.
Love My Uncle
The Bailey's

We spent the rest of the time showing them around the area, with the first place the pier/jetty. Steve and Izzy have a routine of coming here most mornings to talk to the fisher people and see how the catch is going.  We managed to get to a couple of beaches, one of them a dog friendly beach so Izzy could enjoy the sand and water. Rod was surprised at how warm the Atlantic was as compared to the Pacific Ocean. Might just have a convert here!

Steve Explains The Happenings

Yuck Too Much Salt
Just Enjoying The Day
 Oh That's Warm
Beach Selfie

Rod and Mary took off for St. Augustine for a couple of days to check out the town as well as visit a friend Rod knew from high school. I forgot to ask him if he looked the same! Before they headed that direction we had a great motorized kayak tour. The company that provides this tour year round have developed the motorized kayak so anybody can get into one and steer. Although I was glad I was the person and in front in charge of the paddle!

In Complete Control
Rod and Mary Staying Upright

You get to tour through mangroves, around islands, and possibly encounter dolphins and manatees. We didn’t find any dolphins or manatees but did enjoy the day, learning about the vegetation and spotting some waterfowl on occasions. The best part is nobody fell out of the kayak! I was pretty sure Steve was going to try and dunk me just because Rod was there to laugh!
Taking a Nap
 I Said Left Turn Mary
Don't Come Any Closer
Watch Out We'll We Be Coming Through
How Come I'm Paddling?
This is Fun
When Rod and Mary got back from St. Augustine we went to the movies. The force was with us as we battled along with all of the fighters. I won’t tell you any details of the new Start Wars movie as I don’t want to spoil it for you if you choose to join the force. I think Izzy is part of the force especially when she wants to play with her floppy!

You Have To Let Go If You Want Me To Throw It Again

We also toured the Navy Seal Museum that is here in Fort Pierce. The original training spot for the Seals was here. The museum is very well done and informative. As you wander through it you get a feel for how tough it is for someone to become a Seal especially since they go through about two years of training before they are even done with the program.

I Am Learning A Lot
 Watching The Film
 This Would Be Fun On The Beach
 Learning About the Dog's Training
 Mark V Operations Craft
One Mean Boat
Now That's A Big Plane
Some of you might remember Captain Phillips? Tom Hanks played him in the movie if that gives you a hint. Well, the museum has the lifeboat that Captain Phillips was held captive in by Somali pirates on April 8, 2009. The Navy Seals rescued him on Easter Sunday April 12th, truly a wonderful story to remember.

 Captain Phillips Was Held Here

There are a lot more things to explore around here as well as get our kayaks wet even though they are not motorized. Well, I guess they are with muscle power!

Stay tuned for some exciting news I’ll share in SIT’s next post!