Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Pallet House

August 7 – 13, 2014

SITs adventure in the New England states brought us to the area near Camden Maine. We found the Saltwater Farm Campground in a small town called Thomaston. It was a great place for a home base for the week.

Our view was of the St. George River and Izzy had a spot to go chase her floppy. We didn’t let her swim at this spot since the tide fluctuation made it pretty muddy at times as well as a strong current. She seemed content to chase her toy.

Our View
St. George River

We spent some time walking around Camden which is a nice town on the Penobscot Bay. They managed to make a waterfall so you can take a nice walk along the harbor and end at the waterfall.

The Camden Harbor
Waterfall in Town
Is the Water Cold?

We spent our time exploring a couple of the small harbor towns next to Camden. Steve discovered they were having a home and boat show over the weekend in Rockland so we headed down to the event one day.

The Habitat for Humanity organization was there with a few folks building this Pallet House. We wandered around and thought what a cool idea if you want to build a small cottage or house and not have to spend a lot of money. They are building these in many countries or at least providing the plans. Our hats off to them!
The Pallet House
It Has an Upstairs
Anytime you are near water in this part of the world you get some amazing views. Light-houses are still part of the culture and are still in use. We were able to check out two of them.

The Owls Head light-house was built in 1852 but the station was established in 1825. Your view from the top of the steps that lead up to the light-house is awesome. You won’t see sunsets from here due to a mountain and trees but you would have some amazing sunrises if you were stationed here!
On the way to the light-house
Owls Head Light-house

The View from the Top
The other light-house close by is the Rockland light-house which sits out on a breakwater wall which you can walk out on and see the light-house up close and personal. Our walk out was slow as we were amazed at how many lobster traps you could see out in the bay. Busy area around here!
Rockland Breakwater

Rockland Light-house
Working for Lobster
We found a nice 9-hole golf course not too far from the RV park. The view from the first hole was gorgeous. Well, the entire course was pretty nice. Even our play wasn’t ugly.

At The First Tee

Golf Beauty
The only thing missing here was the lack of sport fishing in the ocean so we continue our quest for the perfect spot as we work our way south along the eastern seashore! Stay tuned!



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