Thursday, July 20, 2017

Changing Stuff

June – July 2017

I think I figured out that if I sit down and write what has been happening in the lives of SIT it wouldn’t feel like the summer is screaming by. I can think that right?!

Well since I last wrote we have been up to our usual of tending the garden, playing some golf, doing things around the house, and spending time in Cascade. Steve has been fishing a couple of times but the fish haven’t turned on yet. No it’s not that his fishing mojo went on vacation, it is the same for all the fisher-dudes around.

I have decided to continue my change stuff disease that started in our Florida beach bungalow. So Becky, our next door neighbor and good friend, has a desk that she was tired of looking at. Being the crafty person I am, I said we can fix that and so we did. She is happy with the results of the chalk paint transformation. The pictures don’t quite do it justice but you’ll get the idea of the change!

We also have a couple of old oak book cases in the house which were screaming “Tory we want a new life”! How could I resist that, I bet you couldn’t ignore it either.

I did both of them but with a different color base and then the wash color. They look so much better and are now very happy book cases!

We were able to spend some time in Cascade last week where we enjoyed a round of golf at their challenging nine-hole course. No matter what hole you are on when you play your views are pretty spectacular.

That afternoon we took the boat out to fetch balls that end up in the lake. I am happy to report I didn’t contribute and we were able to snag 5 so Steve was ahead. You can guess what he did during the game.

Izzy loves to go on the boat but you can imagine it isn’t to necessarily enjoy our company, so we found a nice little beach area where we could stop. Izzy doesn’t hesitate once the boat is stopped and one of us gets into the water. After getting wet and playing awhile she enjoyed a relaxing tour of the lake and air drying!


Once I got home I took care of the garden which I don’t mind as our cherry tomatoes are quite tasty. Zucchini is quite abundant, go figure. I will have to start making all things zucchini. When I was out the other day the quail decided to hang out in the peas and the general area so I did manage to get a couple of shots before they headed next door. We enjoy having the company in the yard and they love to take advantage of the waterfall.


Well that’s it for now. We will certainly continue to enjoy the summer and I am pretty sure I am not done with changing stuff nor is Steve done with trying to catch fish so as always stay tuned for more from SIT!