Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Fish On!

SIT began the next segment of adventure with heading to Florida November 1st.

We drove the car this time around so had to be quite frugal in our packing, although Steve being the MacGyver that he is was able to have a rack built that our truck box would fit on. That became our suitcase for the trip.

This meant Izzy got the entire back of the car for herself. We think she was happy as she could get up and walk around, lay in her bed, sit on the seat, and of course hang her head out the window.

Our route took us through a couple of states we had not been through before so we can add two more to the list of 34 for adventuring! Iowa and Illinois have now experienced SIT! Along the way we stopped for gas and stretching of the legs and came upon this old tobacco barn.  Well, not so old tobacco was hanging in there so had to get a picture or two.

 Quite Old
 Tobacco Barn

Leafy Encounter

We arrived at our little Florida home on Saturday and began to get settled in. Steve had to do a little work on the boat and of course get a new hydraulic motor so you can raise and lower the boat motor. He conquered and we got onto the water for a day of fishing on Thursday.

We caught quite a smorgasbord of fish and could keep a few nice sized ones with me being the successful biggest fish catcher person and the first flounder for us in Florida!

 Biggest Fish
 Variety anybody?

We will be in Florida for the winter so be sure and stayed tuned for more ramblings from SIT!