Friday, May 20, 2016

One More State

April 13-21, 2016

SIT hits the road again as we are heading home. We have many routes we could take as we journey west, so decided on one that would take us through an area we had not yet explored. Plus going this way we can cruise through one more state!

Izzy was in heaven when we could have the windows rolled down since the weather was a bit cooler than Florida.

We planned on pretty much just driving and spending the night in each place once so didn’t get much exploring done at the places we landed. We did spend one night in Tupelo Mississippi which was fun since we had been to Graceland during our two year adventure. So now we can say we were in the town where Elvis was born!

As we continued our trek home we decided to stay an extra night somewhere along the way. We chose The Lake of the Ozarks. This was new country for us and gave us a chance to do some exploring of the pretty interesting landscape.

We stayed at the state park so had a chance to wander on some of their trails and of course Izzy had to adventure in the water. We hiked the Coakley Hollow Trail which is located at the Ozarks Caverns. Their season hadn’t started for giving tours of the caverns but the hike was nice and the flowers were in bloom. The Dogwood trees were in full bloom and I can only imagine what this place looks like in the Fall.

Color along the trail

Silk worms at work
See that Butterfly?
 In Motion

Our camping spot provided us with some exclusion as well so Izzy got free rain and of course a place to chase her floppy or sticks!

 See I Found a Stick
Get Ready Izzy

We left this area on a Monday and continued west. We managed to travel through Kansas which was a new state for us. We also thought Kansas would be boring and flat, but the area we went through was quite pretty and plenty of topography and scenery. Much like we found Missouri to be.

We spent one night in Laramie Wyoming and wandered around after dinner. We came across this place in town. It is the Ivinson Mansion and was built in 1892. At one point it was used as a boarding school for the Episcopal Church. Today it is a museum and events center. It was already closed when we wandered around but the architecture and grounds are pretty cool. If you are ever in the area stop by.

We arrived home on April 21st and hit the ground running. One goal for the summer is to utilize the boat we bought last year a tad more! Stay tuned for fishing fun from SIT!