Friday, April 12, 2013

The Magnificent Grand Canyon and Sedona’s not too shabby either!

SIT managed to find their way from Kingman to Williams Arizona and made it our home for the week beginning April 4th.

Friday was a day spent visiting close friends that just so happened to want to come see us. Imagine that!  Janette and I worked together for many years and she and Jon live in Phoenix.  They came to Williams to hang out with us and check out our home.  While they were still here Bob and Nancy Behrner stopped by on their way home to Minnesota.  Bob and I worked together for nine years and he recently retired too.  He and Nancy came to my retirement party and bought a travel trailer while there.  Now they are enjoying the road!

Jon Tucker and Janette Archibeque
Hanging out with SIT
Bob and Nancy Behrner
Stopped by
We ventured to the Grand Canyon Saturday and hung out at the South Rim.  Steve was pretty much in awe and speechless when he saw the canyon.  Izzy of course was just happy to be in a place with a zillion things to smell, including deer and elk.
We got our bikes out and did a bit of riding from one section to another so we could see the Hopi House, El Tovar, Bright Angel Lodge and the Lookout studio.  The history you learned while visiting the park was wonderful.  The pictures we took truly don’t relay the visual you see but here are a few to give you a flavor of what it looks like.


The Hopi House

When we were getting ready to get back on our bikes we ran into some interesting characters.  Now having been to the Grand Canyon before, I expected to see folks from other countries, a lot of kids, and of course some dogs with their owners. I never expected to see a star trooper, a sand person, and a really bad dude from Star Wars.  Well, we did and here’s the proof!!

Star Wars invaded the Grand Canyon!

Do you suppose he's the new park ranger?

Sunday we loaded up in the truck with our cameras and headed for Sedona Arizona.  Steve said he wanted to sit and contemplate his bellybutton or something like that since it is home to several vortexes.  Along the way we came across some cool looking rocks. Go Figure!  The State and Forest Service have established a park a few miles before you get into Sedona called Slide Rock, so we adventured in for some gawking and hiking.  It was home to a large apple orchard and there are still some trees there that produce fruit.  The name Slide Rock comes from the rock formations at the creek that you can actually ride down like you would a slide in a water park.  I felt the water – burr and we noticed the only people in the water were all under the age of 18!


The town of Sedona was pretty busy since it was a Sunday but that didn’t block the views of the amazing rock formations and colors.  We toured around a bit and found a few interesting things.  The pictures below will give you an idea of what’s close to town.
A room with a view

We thought about making an offer to buy this place!

The view of Sedona from the airport

Near the Catholic Church designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Junior
Eagle carved in the rock
On our way out of town we drove to one last location we were told about by a local resident. By the way his name is John Wayne. No kidding!  We took a nice hike down to the water and were able to get some great shots. Izzy had a blast as she didn’t have to be on her leash and could explore new territory. She has become quite the tracker!  Oh yeah, Steve decided he didn’t really need to contemplate his bellybutton after all!
Izzy and Steve

A river with an awesome view

Tory and Izzy
Izzy's not too happy since we didn't let her swim!

Monday was a day spent hanging close to home as the wind was blowing up to 50 miles per hour, along with rain, snow, and hail.  Tuesday morning Izzy told me she needed out before 0600.  Much to our surprise when I opened the door there was snow on the ground. Izzy of course was in heaven and immediately acted like a little kid and started to play in the snow. I on the other hand zipped up my coat all the way!!  Steve did get Izzy out for some exploring in the afternoon once the weather became a little nicer.
We ended at the very west end of the canyon which is so different than the south rim. We were trying to take a helicopter ride down to Supai village and hike to Havasupai Falls but it didn’t happen, so instead we did a little rock combing and then went to the Grand Canyon Cavern. We didn’t know there was such a critter but there is.  Steve shot some video of it but it is the largest and deepest dry cavern in the United States.  You go down 210 feet to start the tour.  Lucky for us gimps they have an elevator!
Leave it to Tory to find a cache 210' below ground!

West end of the Grand Canyon

There were people down there!

Part of the Grand Canyon Cavern discovered in 1929

Snow at shorts today.
We had planned to see the north and east rim of the Grand Canyon but decided for our last day here we would go west.  Part of our journey took us on Route 66 and as you can see you find interesting things when you travel Route 66!


Next stop Moab!!


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