Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Looking for Gold

Kingman Arizona April 2-3, 2013

Well SIT’s adventure took us to Kingman where we were able to spend two days.  It’s funny how Izzy tries to make friends wherever she goes.  We took a trip to Oatman which is an old mining town and does still have active mining.  While there some of the locals were wandering the streets engaging with the tourists.  Well one of them decided to come say hi to Izzy – as you can see by this picture apparently all animals say hi the same way!

                                        Izzy decided she didn't want to play with this big dog!
We were able to get a few shots on the drive from Oatman to Kingman and I think you will enjoy them.


Kingman was established in the 1880’s which brought miners and the railroad.  They have a few great museums if you ever get there and the town is actually pretty good sized.  We toured a couple of the museums and thought these pictures might give you an idea of what life was like once upon a time.


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