Sunday, April 21, 2013

From Williams Arizona to Mexican Hat Utah

SIT pulled up stakes and hit the road on April 11th to head to Moab Utah. Along the way we traveled through Monument Valley. What an amazing site to be traveling along and come across such magnificent rock formations.  We stopped to enjoy the view for a bit although we got there towards the end of their day.

Just one of the gang at Monument Valley

Guarding the land

Amazing what you see along the road!

The Sentinel

Enjoying the view

After leaving there, we journeyed to the Valley of the Gods in Utah.  We landed in Mexican Hat Utah for a few nights since we weren’t scheduled to be in Moab until Sunday.  Didn’t know there was such a town, but it is a popular place for river rafters.  Izzy of course enjoyed being so close to the river.  Now when you look at this picture you can tell where the town gets its name from!
The Landmark

We had a chance to explore the country around there and what a country it is!  The road to Muley Point was quite fun and if you are scared of heights or can’t look over the side, don’t take it!  However the view at the top is unbelievable. These pictures don’t do it justice.
This could be a hot tub some day

I wish I could fly!

Just hanging out!

The view from the top of Muley Point.

On the edge.......

Looking at the Valley of the Gods


The road to Muley Point


The small RV park we stayed at needed a bit of TLC.  When I got up the first morning we didn’t have any power.  Steve being the electrical detective that he is, figured out the problem. He solved this without any special decoder ring!  In the end, he advised the park owner that he had a few electrical problems and possibly some things that needed to be brought up to code.  Steve being the salesman that he is was able to actually take advantage of his skills and do some work for Richard (the owner) in exchange for our rent.  Such a deal! 
Hard at it!

Once Steve solved this problem, Richard asked him if he would be willing to look at his golf cart as it had not ran for six months.  So Saturday, Steve put on his detective clothes, grabbed his kit, and headed off to solve the mystery of the golf cart.  I decided to tackle the house and clean, and clean, and clean. It is amazing how much dirt and dust makes its way in.  Also had to get the laundry done.  In the end, Steve conquered the golf cart challenge, and I accomplished my mission.

The golf cart success story!

We headed out Sunday morning for Moab where we will spend some time and meet some of our friends from Boise!!  Such fun so stay tuned!

On the move again!







1 comment:

  1. That is some gorgeous country! Looks like you three are doing well! =-)

