Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Ground Hog Day!

December 2018 - February 2019

You are probably wondering why I would title this Ground Hog Day? Well no special reason other than it has come and gone and I am just now getting around to updating you about SIT’s happenings.

Christmas was nice as it was the first time we were in our home for the holidays since December 2012. We had Steve’s Dad and a close family friend over for Christmas dinner. It was nice to have them here and we got to enjoy their company a few times over the rest of the holiday season.

A Nice Evening Out

We have been busy with doing small projects at home and even getting a round of golf in once in a while this winter. For the most part it has been very mild so we have been able to keep the waterfall going.

It is nice as we are about the only spot with running water in the neighborhood so we are getting a lot of bird activity. I think I have counted 5 different species splashing around at one time.

Splish Splash I Was Taking A Bath

Doves Staying Warm

One day this guy decided to take a rest and hung out for at least 10 minutes. I had to leave so I don’t know how long he had the lace to himself.
Coopers Hawk Takes Over!

Speaking of birds, Steve has been busy rebuilding a couple of the birdhouses we have and he built a new one. He is quite crafty and learning more about what birds like for their homes. He might create a B and B for them!!

 Brand New Creation by Steve

 Ready for Occupancy
Bird house makeover!

My most recent project was giving an old nightstand a makeover. Steve sanded off all of the varnish and paint on the top and the drawer front but decided it wasn’t worth doing the rest of it. That didn’t matter to me as I had a vision for the furniture piece. It now sits in our upstairs and will be my partner in doing my artwork.

 Getting Ready For a Change
 In Progress

Much Better

February has also brought some winter weather but Izzy still gets her run most days. It really is more about Steve being able to bundle up enough to ride the motorcycle. He is a trooper!

We have a few other things up our sleeves and as always I will share when the time is right! Oh and don’t worry, Izzy has been keeping an eye on us as we hang out in Idaho!

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