Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Quick Trips Are Worth It

Besides Steve having a few adventures on his new motorcycle, I managed an adventure to spend some time with one of my nephews.

Kevin and Annie, married August 1, were able to break away from Corvallis and spend time with their Aunt Tory in Lincoln City.

My drive over there was nice as the scenery was gorgeous. I also saw how much more Bend Oregon has grown since the last time I was through that area.

We spent a few days walking on the beach, eating way too much, drinking nice wine, and playing games. Annie’s Mom came and spent Saturday with us which was very nice.


I returned Kevin and Annie to Corvallis on Monday and headed north to visit my dear friends that live in Gig Harbor Washington. Had a great visit and again ate too much and drank nice wine. Seems there is a theme going here doesn’t it?

Kathy and Joel have a wonderful property so I wandered around and took a few pictures of the flowers that hang out there.

The entire trip went extremely fast but I was glad I could get a chance to see them. Izzy stayed with Steve up in Cascade so I know she had a blast.

Now we will be tackling some projects and pretty sure Izzy will be supervising unless she is trying to nap.

Trying Not To Fall Asleep

Stay tuned as I am pretty sure we will have an adventure in the future, if not before the end of the year most likely early in 2019.

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