Sunday, February 11, 2018

Almost There

January 1 – February 5, 2018

As I last wrote we had enjoyed a nice cruise and Christmas but I guess the desire to relax some more wasn’t quite in our blood yet.

So SIT struck out on another home improvement adventure on our Beach Bungalow! The “Florida Room” was in much needed help and since we had some materials left over from repairing our ceiling we thought why not!

So the first step was for me to wash the ceiling and then paint it which made the room look better already. Steve then tackled the job of cutting the materials to cover the damaged paneling. Of course I had to prime them first since we were going to paint the room the same color as the living room.

Once he was done with that then I got to work on painting all the walls and the trim. It looks 100% better than before and can now be used as a nice place to sit and read or do my artwork or tackle a challenging jigsaw puzzle.
 Izzy Approves

Since we accomplished this little task, we rewarded ourselves with a day of fishing. It wasn’t very successful in terms of catching fish we could keep to enjoy for dinner, but it did provide me with catching five different species in the time we were on the water. I caught a few more than Steve did this time too. Although he will tell you it is because he is the captain and has to do more than just fish. I have to admit it is true!

We got away for a round of golf too but not sure what we were thinking. It was one of the windiest days we have played golf in but that gave us a built in excuse!

Our shot wasn't that bad

Now one would think we were tired of home improvements, but alas it is not true. We bit the bullet and tackled the master bath which had a major floor problem. Steve was able to raise the level of the floor so it would now be even with the floor in the bedroom and put down this wonderful flooring. I tackled the shower pan and painting starting with the ceiling. We are now enjoying a much nicer looking bathroom.

I think that is it for improvements for now although there is more painting I need to do but it can wait. Time to enjoy the warmth of Florida and lounge on the beach, fish, play golf, explore, and eat our fresh tomatoes!

More to come from SIT so stay tuned!

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