Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Cruising into Fall

September to November 2017

It is hard to believe that Fall is almost over and I am just now letting you know what SIT has been up to. Oh well, I am sure most of you are in the same boat!  Speaking of boat, we didn’t have any luck fishing the great Cascade Lake this past summer. I guess we wanted to make sure there will be plenty of fish for everyone next year.

Scott (Steve’s brother) came to Cascade for a week and enjoyed the quiet mountain community. He was traveling around a bit after seeing the eclipse in Wyoming.
Izzy's Little Stick

Scott after ATVing all day

We did enjoy the time spent in the small community, but the trailer is tucked away for the season. We will be sure to get it out when the spring is blooming and head some place.

We were able to see our great niece for the first time. She is Steve’s nephew’s daughter and such a cutie. I managed to take a few pictures when she was a happy baby! If you ask her Mom she is a joy all the time!

Great Grandpa, Grandma Chris, and Ellie

 Great Grandpa
Great Uncle Steve

We ended up having a maple tree removed from the backyard. It grew faster than our tomatoes ever do and was blocking other plants. So we left the stump fairly high and have plans on carving a bird house. Maybe next year I will have a cool picture to show you.

The rest of the time we were getting things taken care of around the house and spending time with friends and I was able to see my cousin Amy. She had a business meeting in Boise so we enjoyed getting caught up. I also made a short trip with my friend Bobbe to Featherville. It was a beautiful day and a neat place to check out.
Amy, My Cousin

An Evening with Tom and Becky

Showing our Support for the Boise State Broncos

Smokey Sunrise at our house

I can wear this can't I

We managed to stick to our schedule to head to our winter beach bungalow the first of November. The trip across country was uneventful but our first day out we were treated to some pretty cool looking clouds.

 Space ships?

Once we arrived we had to deal with damage to the ceiling from hurricane Irma. We had lost the roof to our place and ended up with some water damage inside. It’s a good thing we don’t shy away from fix-it projects!  We have the living room, dining area, and hall completed. The kitchen is left to tackle which we plan on getting done before Christmas.

 Working on the cure
Work Space

 Finished Living Room

You might be wondering what we will do when that is over. Don’t worry as I have rooms to paint and more ceiling work! Oh and we need to play golf and fish some too.

Fall Color in our front yard

 Sunset in November
 Vero Beach
Walking the Boardwalk

I will end here for now but don’t go too far away as the next event I will tell you about was our first ever cruise!

Take care and will connect soon - SIT 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tori and Steve. Scott sent me here! I am so glad to see a photo of my favorite little red haired boy, my second cousin, Stevie. REmember your old Debbie, Steve? You look awesome! What fun you two have. Keep blogging. Write me at some time!
