Tuesday, March 26, 2013

This morning we are in Twentynine Palms California looking forward to some hiking in Joshua Tree National Park.  I am still stuck with my cold, but maybe some exercise in 80+ degree weather will help purge it!!

We arrived here yesterday, but prior to that Steve was able to spend a few days visiting some of his childhood friends and getting caught up.  As part of that, we had them over to our house on wheels for some dinner and good times.  Scott, Steve's brother was able to come over and hang out with us too, since Steve's best buddy growing up had a brother that was Scott's buddy.

We also had a great time visiting with Aunt Julie and Scott.  They came up for an afternoon to enjoy our home and surroundings.  They were brave people to hang out with me since I have the cold of the century!!

I learned a lot those few days, and if I ever want anything I have a few stories I can tell on them!!  It is amazing they survived to tell them!!

Besides Jim, John, Kim and Cheryl, Steve caught up with Rob (Robbie) Ruehle and his sister Lori.  Steve and Rob hung out together in high school and Lori being the little sister tried to tag along. For us girls that have older brothers, we know how that went don't we!!

Before the reunions, we were able to play golf with Kevin (nephew) and enjoy the day. Steve has become the photographer so I am including some of the photos as well.

The other wonderful thing we were able to do was go see Disney's Beauty and the Beast at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert.  The lead Belle is played by a friend of Kevin's so it was a joy to get to see her perform.  Rod and Mary (brother and sister-in-law) went with us and we were able to get a couple of pictures in front of the theatre.

Hope you enjoy the pictures and stayed tune for some scenic shots from Joshua Tree!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like good times!

    Sure miss knowing your not in Boise anymore - way more than 3 hours away now but you guys look great and deserve it!!!!
